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A Letter for parents:

For parents I would like to invite all of you to communicate with me at any time via my email, located at the bottom of the page and also on the 'contact' tab. Communication between us is vital in sorting out any potential issues concerning your son or daughter. I realize not all things can be handled in such an electronic and detached manner as email though. So if you would prefer a face to face meeting just let me know and we can make a time to sit down and talk. I hope your son or daughter is able to get as much from my course as possible, if you have any ideas concerning this or anything in general about him/her that you feel the need to make me aware of then, again please feel free to contact me. I do feel that when my students are given set course work that they come with it properly prepared on the date it is due. If for some reason this is not possible they need to make me aware of this so we can talk about the possibility of other options for him/her. I expect complete, whole hearted effort, and thought through responses on student work. Not everything will be handled in the classroom so they will have homework. I would hope that you help support me in having them complete it to the best of their abilites. The key part of that is "to the best of their abilities", I'm not alwasy going to be hung up on right and wrong answers. I would rather a student comes to class with the wrong answers but proof they actually tried to do the work than to have them come to class without anything because they gave up. I am personally very much against quitting and I hope that my students develop a similar attutude of resiliance and determination. Students should strive to reach higher and it is my intention to help them do that, I can't stress enough that I hope you as parents will help me with this.  

Potentially Helpful Links

I know I'm not a math teacher but I found this site and figured it couldn't hurt to put it here

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